Ah, April 15th....the day taxes are due to be filed here in the US of A. I filed my taxes asap since I would be opening up my wallet to receive and not give. But this is a day we are reminded of just how much we're turning over to the government and just where it's going. Back in 1928 during the campaign for Herbert Hoover, "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" was promised by the Republican Party. Oh my, how times have changed, or not! The Great Depression of 1929 soon followed. Being optimistic, we want comfort food. I made my chicken and felt lucky to have it as this tax day came. The spring weather has brightened up my herbs growing outside, so I added some fresh thyme, purple sage, and rosemary to my chicken. I tuck these underneath the skin along with some lemon slices and garlic, so that they slowly flavor the chicken as it roasts. Adding potatoes, carrots and onions to the roasting pan just brings it all back home. What I need now is a really rich and dark chocolaty dessert. I do have some restraint....I'll have that tomorrow!
Take a 4 pound free range, organic chicken and rub 2 large cloves of garlic that have been put through a garlic press, under the breast skin. Then stuff a small handful of fresh thyme, sage, rosemary, and 2 lemon slices under the skin. Add some cut up vegetables of your choice alongside the chicken.
A fresh grinding of pepper and a sprinkle of sea salt make it ready to roast at 350 degrees,
for about 1 and a half hours, or until the legs jiggle freely (no jokes here!). Stir the vegetables often while roasting so they don't get too crisp on one side.
Serve a lemon slice and some fresh herbs with each portion
and enjoy your 2009 Chicken in Every Pot....The Car in Your Garage is on you!
Written and photographed by Diane.