Each week brings a new bounty to the farmer's market. Our local market has music, artisans, cheese makers, beekeepers, bakers and more as well as farmer's with their fresh pickings. My friend, Babby sells her redcurrants there every year. We thought last year would have been her final year at the market with her sweet and tart berries, but thankfully she had her table set up again this season. Last year I made Summer Pudding with her redcurrants and thought I'd try a jelly this year. I prefer jams to jellies, but after cooking down, redcurrants have seeds that become too predominant and not appealing. Since I love, love pepper and had some piment d'espelette from a Paris food market, I added that, but you could use your favorite pepper.
I like piment d'espette for it's full round flavor and and mild hotness. We are still in rosé wine season, so I substituted rosé for the water that added a certain je ne sais quoi. Removing these small berries from their stems can be tedious, but by placing the stem between the tines of a fork, it goes quickly.
It is meditative work that made me reflect upon Babby and her garden as the berries fell from their tiny stems through the fork tines. Her late husband Bill, always played his accordion after our Thanksgiving meal and shot off his miniature handmade canon during the 4th of July. His ancestors go back centuries in my historical town. Knowing where your food comes from and how it's grown connects you to it's essence. It's not just a blind date.
This jelly is a sweet addition to a cheese board or goes well with a grainy bread and creamy butter.
Redcurrant Jelly with Rosé and Piment D'Espelette
1 1/4 redcurrants, rinsed and stems removed
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup rosé wine or water
2 teaspoons piment d'espelette*
*cayenne pepper or another pepper may be substituted, but reduce amounts according to their hotness.In a medium saucepan over medium heat, add the redcurrants, sugar and rosé (or water). Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a gentle boil. Continue cooking for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cook until the mixture starts to set and thicken. Test by putting a spoonful on a chilled plate, it should be slightly thick. The jelly will thicken more as it cools, but will not be firm. Remove from the stove and put the mixture through a food mill or sieve to remove the seeds. Stir the piment d'espelette into the strained mixture.
Pour into 2 sterilized 4 ounce jars or 1-8 ounce jar.
Makes 1 cup.