Using a highly technical method, I pulled out my summer straw hat and put all of the printed comments from my post in it.
They were all neatly folded, with followers names in twice. After tossing them around, I closed my eyes and drew 2 names. And the first one was (ironically she was the first one to comment).....
Then the second one was.....
I really enjoyed this giveaway. I'm never sure who is out there and was touched by the comments. Each blog post is a labor of love. I am in awe of all of the sharing in the food blogosphere. Even though I am fairly new to this, I feel like I know so many of you as we all connect and share through our day to day cooking, eating, travels and life in general. So, I thank all of you for enriching my life. Linda, I'll be sending you the Himalayan Sea Salt with Grater and Fleur de Sel.
Kate from A Spoonful Of Thyme, I have your Fleur de Sel all set to go!
Ladies, I just need your addresses and I'll have them in the mail.
Please just email your addresses to me by using the email link to the right on the main page.
Thanks for stopping by, it is a pleasure to hear from each and every one of you.
Linda...Congratulations and thanks for your kind comments! I hope you enjoy your gift. I think I'll have to do a post on using the Brigitte cookie cutter. It is really fun and just a few techniques make it more successful.
Claudia...thank you, I love photography and was thrilled to share some of my son's work. I have stacks of cookbooks and cooking magazines, and haven't put a dent in them. Yes, reading about it is a lot of the fun!
Food With Style...I wish I could avoid these cold realities! You live in enjoy it wholeheartedly! Yes, I was working during this cold snap...layers...dress in layers :-) We are reaping the benefits of your reading through "Food For Thought". I'm looking forward to it's debut on January 16th.
La Table De Nana...Yes, I've seen the salt on your blog. Isn't it fascinating how many of us glean out the same treasures?! I've so enjoyed your blog and getting to know you. Once you mentioned it, I can see the same feeling in Zac's photos and "It's A Wonderful Life". I don't think he has seen it, but he is a very old soul. I'll check out the young blogger, Lucy. I love seeing the work of young people...the world through their eyes.
Chelsea B...Oh yes, tea, and lot's of it. I'm glad you started following. Lucky you in beautiful Washington. Thanks for your comment.
Karen@ Mignardise...I am glad you wouldn't use the salt on your steps :-) the UK some areas are using table salt for just that, as they have to save the other salt for the roads. Looking forward to meeting with you soon.
Micheleinkalispell...Oh, I've been to Kalispell, Montana and it's beauty is enough to warm the spirit...perhaps we walked by each other?! Cheers!
Melanie...thanks for following for so long! Barefoot Dream Blanket and cozy slippers? Ohhhh, I need those now!
Jill...I used to live in Marin County, CA years ago. There is no snow to shovel, just beautiful vistas. Aren't you lucky. Thanks for stopping by...I hope to keep feeding the soul.
Lori (All That Splatters)...I love to visit your site too, you are always inspiring and making me think about food in a different way. Your photos are are too humble :-) Thanks for loyally following.
Mangocheeks...I hope to include Europe and the UK in my next giveaway, since I can mail from there. Oh, it has been cold in the UK!! A few days ago, I walked around London in the snow. It was so beautiful, but just a little too cold to stay out for long. I took a few risks with my camera by photographing during the cold and driving snow. I think I got a few good pics!
Linda (How To Cook A Wolf)...Oh, I am so glad many of us met through the Darlings! Everyone is just, well, Darling! Thanks for stopping by once again! Nancy...yes, we must speak warm thoughts through this cold snap...and cook! Thanks for the comment and for stopping by. Stay warm!
Nancy...thanks for the comment, I'm glad you like the photos! My hands are always cold, too. I'm such a wimp!
Amongst The Oaks...another lucky California soul! The chill is all relative...and it gives us a chance to make warm comfort food!
~~Ahrisha~~thanks for following...a high of 27? You could be in store for a lot of undercover time and many old movies! Enjoy!
My Carolina Kitchen...Yes, this is really good fleur de sel. I use it every day as a finishing salt. It is full of trace minerals so it is also good for you. My sister has been in Naples, FL all month, and has been bundled up too. Not like us northern souls. Stay warm, my friend.
Suburban prep...isn't that such a wonderful benefit of knitting? I hope it is something long! Thanks for stopping by.
Camille...I've never been to Vancouver, but it is on my list. It looks stunning there. You have the salt just like Monique. Great minds, as they say, think alike! Enjoy your salt and I'm glad you enjoy coming along on my travels!
Nancy Cook...OMG, Hot Buttered Rum!! Isn't that a brilliant idea! Thanks for following, and cheers!
Kate (A Spoonful Of Thyme)...Congratulations! The fleur de sel is yours! I was so happy to see your name drawn from the hat. The pink Himalayan salt is so cheery to look at, besides being tasty, I hope you get to try it sometime. Enjoy your gift.
Jess...Wow, Chicago can be so very cold. I remember once years ago in a layover hotel, I filled the bath tub with hot water just to try and get some more warmth. I absolutely love the city in spite of it. Stay warm and thanks for following!
Ju (The Little Teochew)...What a pleasure it has been to get to know you through your blog. You are a delight and it has been such fun to hear about you, your charming family and Singapore. What a coincidence that you just got the Himalayan salt! Do you have the grater, too? Thanks for stopping by, Ju.
Zurin...yes, isn't the pink salt so beautiful, like quartz. To be able to grate such a pretty spice over your food is such a pleasure. Thanks for the comment, Zurin!
Mary...The Fleur de Sel Caramels that I made just evolved from one thing to another. My son was instrumental in that too! I will be back to Paris regularly from April on, so I hope to bring more fun adventures this way. As I mentioned to Linda (our 1st winner), I think I need to do a post on tips I've learned working with the Brigitte cutter. It can be so much fun. Let's keep our fingers crossed to get rid of that afghan soon!
Ms. Humble...the Himalayan salt is so photogenic, that I can't take much credit. Thanks for following...It's fun to know you're there!
Martha...The Welsh Farmhouse Chicken is one of my favorites...and sure to shake that prairie chill! Thanks for checking in and I'm glad you went back to older posts!
Cheryl...what a treasure of memories you and your family must have all snuggled up together!! You are indeed blessed. Keep your eye out for the salt. Whole Foods has some, but in a slightly different form. Stay warm!
Cathy...and it is always a pleasure when you stop by. Thanks...I'll have to have another giveaway soon!
Sue (Someone's Mom)...I'm glad you saw my post on Food With Style. Jain does such a great job! I'm glad you'll be back!
The Cooking Photographer...Thanks for the compliment for my son's pics. He only shoots film and mostly develops his own. He thinks digital is a compromise! Maybe it is, but what a great compromise!! I would not have the patience for film now. You certainly have a solid background in photography...and it shows! I love your blog and have had fun watching your world. Be careful on that ice, now!
Hi, I'm Kimberlie...Yes, you'll have to make the caramels. The sweet and salty tastes together are a treat. You must've had a great time in Paris. Summer is just a delight there, although the city does empty out in August. Cheers!
Captain glad you liked my Chocolate Mug Cake. I got so tenacious trying to perfect that idea. I KNEW there had to be a way to make it taste good. Warm chocolate is heaven to me:-) Yeah, you know you're a foodie get excited over salt!!
Jan...Ohhh...I love Mac 'n Cheese and Chili. I'm from Cincinnati originally and we take our chili seriously there! Thanks for stopping by!
Abagail...Oh, you'll love the Salt Caramel Molten Chocolate Cake! I served it with Caramel Swirl Vanilla ice cream...pretty darn good! Easy too. Just make sure to use a soft caramel and serve very warm. Happy eating!
Ry @ Sotto Il Monte Vineyards...It was funny, just before you made your comment, my son and I were discussing this post. I said I really liked the photo journalism part of blogging and asked him if he noticed how the black and white pics (he shot his with black and white film) switched to just color. I wasn't sure how that came across, so your comment seemed special ordered! Thanks!
xoxo Diane