of Europe are in a deep freeze that won't ease it's grip. The United Kingdom is getting snow and ice they haven't seen in decades.
Some areas have run out of salt and aren't expecting to be able to get any for a while. In one rural town, a man said his wife hasn't been able to get back home for 15 days (that's her story and she's sticking to it!) Asia is also setting records. Seoul, South Korea had a foot of snow in a 24 hour period which is a first. Here in the US, one storm starts up as another passes. Besides the skiers and children, the only one who really enjoys the snow is my neighbor's dog, Dakota!
Florida citrus crops are in danger of freezing as frosty temperatures replace the balmy sun. At home in Massachusetts, my son Zac, went out with a friend last weekend during the storm and shot some photos around town as the snow fell. It was late into the night, and a cold, white stillness took hold as they witnessed the beginning of an unrelenting snow. The closed movie theater in town had an Edward Hopper-like appeal.
His friend cross country skied as a lone car came by.
A war memorial seemed to come alive as a winter battle and it's perils is envisioned.
But I think it is time for the ice and snow to stop.
What we need is salt (besides sunshine, of course), and lot's of it to melt away the icy chill! So I'm having my very first giveaway. Fleur de Sel...the French salt that is the flower of the sea. Ahhhh...did someone say flower.....and sea?
And rosy chunks of Himalayan sea salt with it's own grater.
They are sure to melt the ice from the heart of winter as they season your food. I can see the pink coming back into your cheeks now!
So, crack the ice from your knuckles and leave a comment. How are you beating the chill? Mention you are a follower and I'll put your name in twice. I love my friends from outside of the US, but I can only ship within the 48 contiguous states and Canada. The first name drawn will receive the Fleur de Sel and the Himalayan sea salt and grater. The second name that gets drawn receives the Fleur de Sel. On my next post, I'll announce the winner. Stay warm, my friends.
Thanks Zac, for your great B&W film photos.

what a great post...& such beautiful photos...i follow your post & tried again unsuccessfully to use brigitte cutter...i think i am hopeless...but your sugar cookie recipe was great...all the best in 2010!
great giveaway!
I love the black and white photos of the snow, beautiful. I follow your blog because of the wonderful pictures as I just mentioned and the absolutely delicious food! I have yet to actually put my hands to making one of the recipes but just having them around and knowing I can make them is enough sometimes. Have a great 2010!
what a vivid post of the cold, i loved the night shots by zac! i need to read the news more, i am always in a book, i barely know about the cold snap... yikes i should not advertise my ignorance!
stay warm and cozy, hope you aren't flying in all this...
First of all..I am a follower..secondly..I am so lucky..I already have those exact 2 beautiful salts..:) So thank you for including Canada you are sweet..But I need to let others have these great salts since I already do....So please take my name off in case I would win.
Now for the real reason..I LOVE your son's photos!! Remember the snow storm in It's a Wonderful Life? Kinda that feeling too!
How wonderful he took those photos..There's a blogger I just discovered..Lucy ..she is 13..just went to Venice and took food fotos too..she is a food blogger.I can't wait to see her at my age..Go peek one day..amazing:)
Thank you Diane and thank your son!!
Beautiful posting! It's amazing how something so gorgeous can be such a problem. I have to confess that in order to beat the cold, I'm simply living in western Washington, where it's currently 43 degrees (and, of course, a little rainy) - just chilly enough for me to need a cozy blanket and a cup of tea.
I've not been a follower long, but I was so very inspired by you when a friend sent me a link to your post on cheesecake in a mug :).
You already know I'm a follower - I love your blog!
I see your son has your talent for photography.
If I win the salt, I promise not to use it on my front steps!
I am a follower and just love your blog. Its the best..I tell all my friends about it. In Montana we stay warm by eating great food and drinks! Love all the pictures also!
I've been a follower for a long time- I just love your blog. I stay warm with my Barefoot Dreams blanket and cozy slippers!
I am a huge follower and absolutely love your blog. I am beating the cold by living in Napa, CA. It is not sunny here, but we do not have to shovel snow either. Mmmmmmmmm mmmmmm The salt looks beautiful and delicious. Thank you and your son for consistently feeding my spirit and soul. Jillian
I see your son has the same photography talent as you do! Beautiful, almost ethereal photos.
You know I follow you religiously!! ;D I love your posts and your photographs. They give my own wretched photo-taking talent something to aspire to!
Oh boo hoo I live in Scotland and can't enter the give-away :(
Maybe a visit to France is due. It is certainly cold in the U.K. Fffrreezing in fact!
The salt looks fab like rose quartz, whoever gets it will be pleased.
Great pics...I love the black and white ones your son took...
I have been a follower since meeting you with the darlings...
Stay warm...
Love the photos. All this talk of salt (fleur de sel) has warmed my what about my hands.
xo n.
Your son's photos are mysteriously beautiful.
We are keeping warm by eating lots of soup and sitting by the fireplace. But in all honesty it's not too cold here in California.
I've always wanted to try that kind of salt. Thanks for having this give-away.
Hello stopped by found your lovely giveaway. I am a follower too and would love the winnings. Today we had a high of 27*. Not too bad considering. To keep warm I snuggle in bed and watch old movies. Now let's see what's on tonight?
Lovely salts. I'm a follower and that's a great give-away.
I noticed that the Fleur de Sel is from the Camargue region of France. That's some of the best Fleur de Sel in the world.
I'm amazed at the cold weather all over the world. We came to Florida to escape the winter in the mountains and it's cold here in Ft. Myers. But I can't complain compared to so many other places. We're just worried about the strawberries and oranges.
Have a great weekend.
I stay warm by knitting.
As the item I am knitting gets longer the product just gets to lay on my lap.
I also exercise.
Like "La Table De Nana", I am also a Canadian follower, residing in Vancouver, BC where we are most oftened spared the frigid temperatures & accompanying snow. I am also fortunate to already have these salts & know the lucky winner will enjoy these wonderful treats! I very much enjoy your's become one of my favourites! Please keep the wonderful stories coming...I travel vicariously through your tales & photos! Happy New Year!!
We haven't had it too cold here in the Pacific NW, but my favorite Winter warm up is Hot Almond Buttered Rum (ala Kathy Casey). It is a Hot Buttered Rum mix with the addition of almond paste and extract. Highly addictive, warming and it tastes so good you forget you were cold!
Love you blog, I have been following it for a while now.
Cheers, Nancy
Great photos...just a few goosebumps with the thought of that weather! I have been following along and so enjoy your stories! I have never heard of Himalayan rock salt! Intriguing!
Hello! I live in Chicago and it is cold cold cold (but that is nothing new for us.) I like to layer, lots of thin layers of clothes to keep me warm without feeling like a big puffy snowman. Working from a home office helps too:)
Also, I subscribe to 2 Stews in my google that what you mean by "follower"? If so hooray for being entered twice.
I love you and your blog regardless whether I am eligible to participate ;) It looks like a bitter cold winter. And what a coincidence! I just bought some Himalayan pink salt too! Zac has an eye for beauty, much like his mother! :)
Ur Zac takes beautiful pictures! dramatic and moving.~he has your talent.
the himalayan rock salt is such a pretty pink.
I always enjoy ur posts...:)
I love your blog. I found it right after discovering Fleur de Sel caramels in France & I was looking for the recipe--I've made them several times now & my friends love them. I love your photos & your stories about Paris. I even bought the Brigitte cutter on your recommendation although I haven't used it yet.
I'm in Chicago & try to stay under an afghan as often as possible these days!
I'm a follower! Woo!
The Himalayan salt is so beautiful! Of course, I'm sure the photographer might have something to do with that.
I've never tried the salt before and I want to.. clearly. Yum.
What a great giveaway! Salt and snow/ice! We are in a deep freeze on the prairie -- far too cold -- single digits is not normal for us and we've had snow on the ground since Christmas (winter on the prairie is brown -- not white!)
I just found your blog -- what a great site and I have been reading old posts.
The Welsh Farmhouse chicken looks really good.
Firstly, I am a follower. Secondly we are beating the chill by cooking lots of made-from-scratch stews and soups. Also in the evenings we all snuggle up on the couches together (2 adults and 3 kids) and watch movies while sipping on our homemade hot coco. We are truly blessed. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway. I have to admit I am a salt addict, but never had the pleasure to try pink Himalayan sea salt. That would be the best treat for me EVER!
Your snowy winter photos are so dramatic in black and white. Its always such a pleasure to come to visit.
It would be such fun to win some of that wonderful sea salt. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I saw your photo on Food with Style and was intriqued by the beauty of the shot. I had to come read more. What a wonderful giveaway! I'm going to bookmark your blog and read a bit more! Thanks, Sue
Hi Diane,
Thank-you for asking about my mother. She is healing quite well and is nearly back to her ornery self lol!
I love your post, and this winter must be for the dogs because my little dog is in heaven. Of course I would be too if I had a built in fur coat!
I used to shoot b&w film for an old newspaper job, your friend did great job with these shots. They are beautiful.
Everything is digital everywhere now. I think I must be romancing the past because it was such a process to develop. I spent hours in a dark room spinning film around a metal spool and then dipping it in stinky chemicals.
Why do I miss that??
I love your blog! I check it everyday, so I guess that makes me a follower :) I would love to make some caramels with some of that salt and also put some on my next steak (one of my favorite things I picked up in Paris this summer)
Happy New Year!
Found your blog looking for chocolate cake in a mug...yours was by far the best we've tried...yummmmm perfect for a snowy night! Thanks for that post and this one, too. You know you're a foodie when you look at salt and go OOOOOOHHHHH!
I am not a fan of winter but it does give me the opportunity to cook some of my favorite comfort foods like macaroni and cheese and chili. I always find something interesting on your blog and check it every day
I'm a new follower of your blog, and I just wanted to say that all the recipes on your blog look absolutely delicious! I've especially been wanting to try my hand at the molten salt caramel cake. :)
I've been beating the chill with lots of tea, and soup (especially turkey noodle. Always a great way to use up leftovers).
Beautiful post Diane. You took us into the cold and then back out to the warmth and light. Photo Journalism at it's best!
Oh, I came here by way of Kate and I just love your blog. Great photos on this post and you tied everything together so well. Lucky gals that were the winners of the lovely salt!
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