I was so excited when CSN contacted me with another giveaway offer! They are a large online store site with everything, from your choice of a bathroom vanity to cookware to pets items to baby gear and so much more. With over 200 store sites to choose from you could spend hours just imagining the possibilities. And that is the fun part, you get to choose what you want with a $40 gift certificate. Whether you are renovating or just want a gift for yourself, the only problem you'll have is making up your mind. So with out any more ado, grab a cup of coffee and go shopping at CSN's website, all from the comfort of your favorite chair :-)
For a chance to win the $40 gift certificate at CSN, just leave a comment. If you are a follower, let me know and I'll enter your name twice. And if you are also subscribed to 2 Stews, you'll get a 3rd chance...just mention it in your comment. I'll be drawing a name on Sunday, June 13th.
This is open to all of my readers in the US and Canada.
Good luck!!

I'm a new follower.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I subscribed via email.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Ooh, another place to shop! Er... thanks? LOL! I have subscribed to your blog via rss for quite a while but just became a follower today! Thanks for the chance! :-)
I love this CSN site. they have a great collection. i am following your blog on google friends
What a cute photo! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway. I just got a package from CSN - can't believe how fast their shipping was! Great place!!
One question - why would someone who is a follower also subscribe? Seems like that would be a bit redundant.
I'm a follower, so please enter me twice. Thanks again!!
ButterYum..."Following" shows that you are watching and following. "Subscribing" means that you recieve the new posts via email. Some like it....some prefer just to follow.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck!
thanks for having the giveaway. I am a follower and also a subscriber. cheers :)
Hi, I am a follower that subscribes via e-mail. Great blog! I'd love a chance to win.
What a terrific giveaway! I'm a follower and a subscriber. I always enjoy your blog. Thanks!
exiting...& i love your ribbon (please share where you purchased!!)...
please enter my name as:
& as always THANKS!!
going back to reading dl...ready for dessert...& hoping for one from you in the not too distant future!!
have a great day diane!
Linda...I'm glad you like the ribbon...I thought it was fun, too! I can't remember where I got it, but it was recently. See what jet lag does to a good mind? ;-) The website for the brand is:
The style is: 612777 French Block Blk
Hope that helps. It had to be from a craft store.
I am just waiting to try a chocolatey dessert from "Time for Dessert". Isn't it a yummy book? Can't wait to bake or maybe make ice cream!!!
Have a good week everyone :-)
Always love a new place to shop! I'm a follower and a subscriber. Always a bright moment of my day when I receive an email with your awesome pics and recipes.
Hi Diane,
Not only am I a follower and a subscriber, you know I'm a huge fan!
I subscribe to your feed. Love your blog!
More fun from 2 Stews! I am a faithful follower and I subscribe by e mail. That way I always get a reminder that there's a new "chapter" out there for me. It's always exciting to see 2 Stews in my e mail updates.
So if CSN has Baby stuff, and if I win, I can spend it on Baby Girl W. Andrew & Christina are expecting a baby girl in September! I think the romance of the Eiffel Tower after dinner must have given them some ideas! ;-)
Just got your email as i'm a subscriber and follower. Enjoy all your information and updates. Please enter me in your contest. Thanks!!
CSN is new to me. I will have to explore. Please enter me in the contest. I am a follower and I subscribe to your blog through Google Reader!
There are so many baby things on the CSN website that I'd love to have!
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I follow you publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
I love CSN stores. All my Christmas shopping is going to be done through them.
I am a subscriber
I am a follower
I'm off to check out that website, it sounds fun (and dangerous!!). I've been following you for a while now on my RSS feed, and found a few other good sites through your thoughtful links too! Thanks for continuing to blog =)
I love CSN and I follow you :)
love giveaways! xoxox n.
How fun is that!! That's just exciting. And of course, I'm subscribed. Question for you: What luggage do you recommend? I'm spending a lot of this month and next traveling and I need to invest. I also don't mind checking bags, if that makes a difference. :)
It's your dinner neighbors, Mayur and Mina, from Friday night in Paris! Thanks for your camera tips for Mina's food blog. Mina is passed out right now from too much sightseeing, but I know she'll love following your blog. I think it's great that you have a relationship with CSN - I actually know some folks who work there, because it's the same industry as my background. Thanks for letting us know of your blog, and I'll have to ask Mina to try to make the Lemon Curd Whipped Cream!
Meredith...that is such FABULOUS news!! Congrats! Keep me posted!
Melanie...choose the lightest bag with wheels you can get, and have it be a midsize that fits into an overhead bin if you don't want to check it. I prefer not to, it takes away a lot of variables and saves money in most cases. Check your airlines rules for carry on. Usually it is 1 bag plus 1 personal item. For the personal item I like to have a medium backpack that fits a small purse, reading material, travel documents, an ipod and laptop inside. Using a backpack allows you to carry it without stress on back or shoulders. Just make sure it fits the guidelines for a "personal item". I looked long and hard for a stylish one. Many airlines have taken away pillows and blankets, so bring a sweater or shawl and a blow up pillow. Don't forget your favorite food so you don't have to rely on salty processed meals. Just make sure it doesn't contain any liquids or pastes. They take peanut butter and yogurt away at security. Boston Logan has a UFoods which sells organic and wholesome food, so I sometimes just get something from there. Aaaaaad now if that doesn't provoke you to cancel your tickets, have a fabulous time!!!!! Bon Voyage!
Mina and Mayur...it was so fun to meet the 2 of you at dinner in Paris!! You are both such a joy! I feel Mina's pain...sightseeing is exhausting as well as fun. What a coincidence you know people at CSN. I have only corresponded online with them, even though they are based in Boston. Too bad we didn't get to talk more, it would be interesting to hear about your background. I think you won't have to twist Mina's arm too much to make the Lemon Curd Whipped Cream...she seems to be passionate about food and cooking. Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Thanks all for visiting!!
I absolutely love CSN Stores! My wish list of items from there gets longer every time I visit.
I subscribe to your blog via RSS Feed - Google Reader and I follow your blog via GFC.
I've been 'following' your blog for a while but today it's official... :) I love your site.. please enter me twice! :)
CSN has everything don't they?! Great Stuff!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I'm now a follower, please enter me twice=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
Im a follower!
What a great site! I just stumbled upon it and I'm already in love (your pictures are beautiful!). I've also just became a follower :)
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I follow on gfc
I scribe via RSS
Thanks for stopping by and good luck!
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HI Diane,
I happened upon your blog once again while doing my homework about CSN. I too just recieved an offer from them to have give-away on my blog and was just wondering whether there were any satisfied customers out there. Indeed there are!
It sure sounds like it was fun and I am so enjoying my visit here. I know I must have been here before because your link is in my search engine. I became a follower this time so I visit more often...
Thank you so much for sharing. Good Luck to the lucky winner. I think I know what to do now:) Louise
P.S. If you get a moment, drop by my blog for the picnic game round-up. We played a cyber picnic game and I posted the recipes today.
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