Sunday, August 15, 2010

We Have a Winner!

We have a winner and the crown has her name on it! Congratulations, Debbie at Suburb Sanity!!
You are the Queen for the Day! I wrote all of the names, put them in a bowl, closed my eyes, shuffled the names and drew "Debbie".
Through the generosity of CSN, you now have a $60 gift certificate! I think the inventory at CSN will be down one red Le Creuset casserole :-) I loved reading what everyone is fun to dream. Many, many thanks to all who left a comment and to CSN.

Have a great Sunday!

PS....I ended the drawing early since I won't be around this coming week.

Thanks again to the Graphics Fairy for the crown graphic.

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Anonymous said...

congratulations, debbie!

linda said...

good for you debbie…enjoy!
love the crown!!

Nancy's Notes said...

Congratulations Debbie!

Have a great week!

Nancy's Notes

Kathy Walker said...

Congratulations, Debbie!